KATANA Kuranto 100QS – synthetic watersolublemetalworking fluid which formsclear and stable solutionduring mixing with water. It does not contain mineral oil in the composition, as well as phenols and chlorine.
DIN 51385 part 2.2 (SES)
ISO 6743/7 L-MAE
KATANA Kuranto 200QS –concentrated biostable semi-synthetic metalworking fluid. It is developed on high-tech additive package and includes emulsifiers, EP (Extreme Pressure) and anticorrosionadditives.
DIN 51385 part 2.1 (SEM)
ISO 6743/7 L-MAB
KATANA Kuranto400QS –concentrated Premium biostablewatermisciblemetalworking fluid for heavy duty application. It forms a micro-emulsion with high anti-corrosion properties, protects slideways and metal-cutting machines from corrosion, has low foaming.
DIN 51385 part 2.1 (SEM)
ISO 6743/7 L-MAD